Extending Standard Providers

Nitric supports the extension of our standard providers, allowing you to use the cloud services that you prefer. This guide assumes you understand the basis of the Nitric providers and are looking to use an extension to swap out a cloud service for another cloud service.

You can use the AWS extension skeleton as a base for your extension provider.

What can be extended?

Extending a provider can replace any individual resource, or add pre or post configuration to your deployment.

Below is the Nitric deployment provider interface. To extend the provider you can replace any of the definitions of the resource or configuration that you require.

type NitricPulumiProvider interface {
// Init - Initialize the provider with the given attributes, prior to any resource creation or Pulumi Context creation
Init(attributes map[string]interface{}) error
// Pre - Called prior to any resource creation, after the Pulumi Context has been established
Pre(ctx *pulumi.Context, resources []*deploymentspb.Resource) error
// Config - Return the Pulumi ConfigMap for the provider
Config() (auto.ConfigMap, error)
// Order - Return the order that resources should be deployed in.
// The order of resources is important as some resources depend on others.
// Changing the default order is not recommended unless you know what you are doing.
Order(resources []*deploymentspb.Resource) []*deploymentspb.Resource
// Api - Deploy an API Gateway
Api(ctx *pulumi.Context, parent pulumi.Resource, name string, config *deploymentspb.Api) error
// Http - Deploy a HTTP Proxy
Http(ctx *pulumi.Context, parent pulumi.Resource, name string, config *deploymentspb.Http) error
// Bucket - Deploy a Storage Bucket
Bucket(ctx *pulumi.Context, parent pulumi.Resource, name string, config *deploymentspb.Bucket) error
// Service - Deploy an service (Service)
Service(ctx *pulumi.Context, parent pulumi.Resource, name string, config *deploymentspb.Service) error
// Topic - Deploy a Pub/Sub Topic
Topic(ctx *pulumi.Context, parent pulumi.Resource, name string, config *deploymentspb.Topic) error
// Queue - Deploy a Queue
Queue(ctx *pulumi.Context, parent pulumi.Resource, name string, config *deploymentspb.Queue) error
// Secret - Deploy a Secret
Secret(ctx *pulumi.Context, parent pulumi.Resource, name string, config *deploymentspb.Secret) error
// Schedule - Deploy a Schedule
Schedule(ctx *pulumi.Context, parent pulumi.Resource, name string, config *deploymentspb.Schedule) error
// Websocket - Deploy a Websocket Gateway
Websocket(ctx *pulumi.Context, parent pulumi.Resource, name string, config *deploymentspb.Websocket) error
// Policy - Deploy a Policy
Policy(ctx *pulumi.Context, parent pulumi.Resource, name string, config *deploymentspb.Policy) error
// KeyValueStore - Deploy a Key Value Store
KeyValueStore(ctx *pulumi.Context, parent pulumi.Resource, name string, config *deploymentspb.KeyValueStore) error
// Post - Called after all resources have been created, before the Pulumi Context is concluded
Post(ctx *pulumi.Context) error
// Result - Last method to be called, return the result of the deployment to be printed to stdout
Result(ctx *pulumi.Context) (pulumi.StringOutput, error)

Replacing a Bucket Service

This guide will run through how to replace the S3 implementation of the AWS provider's storage service with a Digital Ocean Spaces Object Storage. You can find the full implementation on GitHub.

A convenient feature of Spaces is its compatibility with the S3 APIs. This will make writing the runtime component of the provider very similar to the standard AWS implementation.

Initializing the project

We can start by setting up our go project.

go mod init

We will then go get our dependencies. The first dependency is the nitric cloud provider. This comes with helpers to interface with the Nitric SDKs and CLI.

go get "github.com/nitrictech/nitric/cloud"

The next dependency is the Pulumi digital ocean SDK.

go get "github.com/pulumi/pulumi-digitalocean/sdk/v4/go/digitalocean"

We will then scaffold our project structure. This isn't necessary if you are building from the extension provider scaffold. The project structure should look like this:

├── cmd
│ ├── deploy
│ │ ├── main.go
│ ├── runtime
│ │ ├── main.go
├── deploy
│ ├── deploy.go
├── runtime
│ ├── spaces.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum

Deployment Interface

We can start by creating the deployment interface. This will be an interface that embeds the Nitric AWS provider, that way we only have to build the services that we want to replace.

package deploy
import (
type AwsExtensionProvider struct {
Buckets map[string]*digitalocean.SpacesBucket
func NewAwsExtensionProvider() *AwsExtensionProvider {
awsProvider := deploy.NewNitricAwsProvider()
return &AwsExtensionProvider{
NitricAwsPulumiProvider: *awsProvider,
Buckets: make(map[string]*digitalocean.SpacesBucket),

You'll notice that we also override the Bucket value to use the pulumi spaces bucket type instead of the S3 bucket.


Now we can create an extension configuration to allow adding digital ocean configuration to our stack file. You can find the base AWS configuration here.

Start by defining the type of configuration we want. To deploy to digital ocean we require setting a Digital Ocean token as well as a spaces key, secret, and region.

package deploy
import (
type ExtensionConfig struct {
Token string `mapstructure:"token"`
Spaces *SpacesConfig `mapstructure:"spaces"`
type SpacesConfig struct {
Key string `mapstructure:"key"`
Secret string `mapstructure:"secret"`
Region string `mapstructure:"region"`

The attributes from the stack file are sent to the provider as a map[string]interface{}. We'll write a helper function to convert and validate the config.

func ConfigFromAttributes(attributes map[string]interface{}) (*ExtensionConfig, error) {
// Get our extension config
extensionConfig := &ExtensionConfig{}
err := mapstructure.Decode(attributes, extensionConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Verify the digital ocean configuration was supplied.
if extensionConfig.Token == "" || extensionConfig.Spaces == nil || extensionConfig.Spaces.Key == "" || extensionConfig.Spaces.Secret == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid config: require a digital ocean token, spaces access key and access secret")
// Convert and validate the standard AWS provider attributes
awsConfig, err := deploy.ConfigFromAttributes(attributes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
extensionConfig.AwsConfig = *awsConfig
return extensionConfig, nil

Now that we have the helper, we can overwrite the AWS configuration Init function to take config from our ConfigFromAttributes function. The Init function is what is run before any pulumi resource creation to populate a provider with the required attributes.

import (
func (a \*AwsExtensionProvider) Init(attributes map[string]interface{}) error {
var err error
a.CommonStackDetails, err = common.CommonStackDetailsFromAttributes(attributes)
if err != nil {
return status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, err.Error())
a.config, err = ConfigFromAttributes(attributes)
if err != nil {
return status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "Bad stack configuration: %s", err)
a.AwsConfig = &a.config.AwsConfig
return nil

We can then replace the Config function to add our digital ocean token and spaces access key. The Config function is used to provide pulumi with configuration variables. These are standardized based on the provider. You can find the Digital Ocean Pulumi config here.

import (
common "github.com/nitrictech/nitric/cloud/common/deploy"
func (a *AwsExtensionProvider) Config() (auto.ConfigMap, error) {
// Get the AWS configuration variables
config, err := a.NitricAwsPulumiProvider.Config()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
config["digitalocean:token"] = auto.ConfigValue{Value: a.config.Token, Secret: true}
config["digitalocean:spaces_access_id"] = auto.ConfigValue{Value: a.config.Spaces.Key, Secret: true}
config["digitalocean:spaces_secret_key"] = auto.ConfigValue{Value: a.config.Spaces.Secret, Secret: true}
config["digitalocean:version"] = auto.ConfigValue{Value: "4.27.0"} // Locking the digital ocean provider version
return config, nil

Deployment Code

Now that we have our provider initialized with all the configuration we require, we can start writing our deployment code. Although we are just replacing the Bucket resource, we will need to augment the Service and Policy resources.

The service resource will need to be changed slightly to add our spaces credentials as environment variables. This will allow our Lambda's to interact with our Spaces bucket at runtime.

package deploy
import (
func (a *AwsExtensionProvider) Service(ctx *pulumi.Context, parent pulumi.Resource, name string, config *pulumix.NitricPulumiServiceConfig, runtime provider.RuntimeProvider) error {
// Append Digital Ocean environment variables
config.SetEnv("DIGITALOCEAN_REGION", pulumi.String(a.config.Spaces.Region))
config.SetEnv("SPACES_KEY", pulumi.String(a.config.Spaces.Key))
config.SetEnv("SPACES_SECRET", pulumi.String(a.config.Spaces.Secret))
// Call the AWS provider service to deploy our Lambda
return a.NitricAwsPulumiProvider.Service(ctx, parent, name, config, runtime)

As we aren't deploying S3 buckets to AWS, the base provider's policy (which includes references to S3) won't be valid. We can fix this by filtering out bucket permissions for our policy creation. This will be a simple wrapper like what we did with the service resource.

We are using lo for the Filter and Contains methods. You can get this dependency with go get "github.com/samber/lo"

package deploy
import (
deploymentspb "github.com/nitrictech/nitric/core/pkg/proto/deployments/v1"
resourcespb "github.com/nitrictech/nitric/core/pkg/proto/resources/v1"
func (a *AwsExtensionProvider) Policy(ctx *pulumi.Context, parent pulumi.Resource, name string, config *deploymentspb.Policy) error {
filteredConfig := deploymentspb.Policy{
Principals: config.Principals,
// Filter out all bucket resources
filteredConfig.Resources = lo.Filter(config.Resources, func(res *deploymentspb.Resource, idx int) bool {
return res.Id.Type != resourcespb.ResourceType_Bucket
// Filter out bucket actions (read, write, delete)
filteredConfig.Actions = lo.Filter(config.Actions, func(res resourcespb.Action, idx int) bool {
return !lo.Contains([]resourcespb.Action{
}, res)
if len(filteredConfig.Actions) == 0 {
return nil
return a.NitricAwsPulumiProvider.Policy(ctx, parent, name, &filteredConfig)

With that done, we can create our Bucket. This is done using the pulumi SDK.

import (
deploymentspb "github.com/nitrictech/nitric/core/pkg/proto/deployments/v1"
func (a *AwsExtensionProvider) Bucket(ctx *pulumi.Context, parent pulumi.Resource, name string, config *deploymentspb.Bucket) error {
bucket, err := digitalocean.NewSpacesBucket(ctx, name, &digitalocean.SpacesBucketArgs{
Name: pulumi.String(name),
Region: pulumi.String(a.config.Spaces.Region),
Acl: pulumi.String("private"),
if err != nil {
return err
a.Buckets[name] = bucket
return nil

Runtime Code

With the deployment code created, we can now do the runtime implementation for the bucket.

Spaces is compatible with the S3 APIs, so we can use the AWS S3 implementation and just change out a few AWS specific features. We'll start by creating the interface.

import (
package storage
type SpacesStorageService struct {
s3Client s3iface.S3API
preSignClient s3iface.PreSignAPI
provider resource.AwsResourceProvider
var _ storagepb.StorageServer = (*SpacesStorageService)(nil)

We can then write a function to create a new SpacesStorageService with the S3 client authenticated using our digital ocean credentials. We have access to these environment variables because of the augmentation we did to the Services deployment code.

import (
func New(provider resource.AwsResourceProvider) (*SpacesStorageService, error) {
awsRegion := env.AWS_REGION.String()
doRegion := os.Getenv("DIGITALOCEAN_REGION")
accessKey := os.Getenv("SPACES_KEY")
secretKey := os.Getenv("SPACES_SECRET")
spacesEndpoint := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s.digitaloceanspaces.com", doRegion)
s3Client := s3.New(s3.Options{
Region: awsRegion,
Credentials: aws.NewCredentialsCache(credentials.NewStaticCredentialsProvider(accessKey, secretKey, "")),
BaseEndpoint: &spacesEndpoint,
return &SpacesStorageService{
s3Client: s3Client,
preSignClient: s3.NewPresignClient(s3Client),
provider: provider,
}, nil

A complete Nitric bucket implementation has the following functions that need to be implemented.

import (
storagepb "github.com/nitrictech/nitric/core/pkg/proto/storage/v1"
func (s *SpacesStorageService) Read(ctx context.Context, req *storagepb.StorageReadRequest) (*storagepb.StorageReadResponse, error) {}
func (s *SpacesStorageService) Write(ctx context.Context, req *storagepb.StorageWriteRequest) (*storagepb.StorageWriteResponse, error) {}
func (s *SpacesStorageService) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *storagepb.StorageDeleteRequest) (*storagepb.StorageDeleteResponse, error) {}
func (s *SpacesStorageService) Exists(ctx context.Context, req *storagepb.StorageExistsRequest) (*storagepb.StorageExistsResponse, error) {}
func (s *SpacesStorageService) ListBlobs(ctx context.Context, req *storagepb.StorageListBlobsRequest) (*storagepb.StorageListBlobsResponse, error) {}
func (s *SpacesStorageService) PreSignUrl(ctx context.Context, req *storagepb.StoragePreSignUrlRequest) (*storagepb.StoragePreSignUrlResponse, error) {}

If you don't want to implement all the functions you can return an unimplemented exception.

import (
// Unimplemented - PreSignUrl
func (s *SpacesStorageService) PreSignUrl(ctx context.Context, req *storagepb.StoragePreSignUrlRequest) (*storagepb.StoragePreSignUrlResponse, error) {
return nil, status.Error(codes.Unimplemented, "PreSignUrl")

However, for this guide we will be implementing every feature. Let's start with the Read function. Read will get the contents of a blob from the bucket.

import (
func (s *SpacesStorageService) Read(ctx context.Context, req *storagepb.StorageReadRequest) (*storagepb.StorageReadResponse, error) {
bucketName := &req.BucketName
// Get object from s3 client
resp, err := s.s3Client.GetObject(ctx, &s3.GetObjectInput{
Bucket: bucketName,
Key: aws.String(req.Key),
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "error occurred reading file: %v", err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
bodyBytes, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &storagepb.StorageReadResponse{
Body: bodyBytes,
}, nil

Write creates or updates a blob in a bucket.

func (s *SpacesStorageService) Write(ctx context.Context, req *storagepb.StorageWriteRequest) (*storagepb.StorageWriteResponse, error) {
bucketName := &req.BucketName
contentType := http.DetectContentType(req.Body)
if _, err := s.s3Client.PutObject(ctx, &s3.PutObjectInput{
Bucket: bucketName,
Body: bytes.NewReader(req.Body),
ContentType: &contentType,
Key: aws.String(req.Key),
}); err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "error occurred writing file: %v", err)
return &storagepb.StorageWriteResponse{}, nil

Delete deletes a blob from a bucket.

func (s *SpacesStorageService) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *storagepb.StorageDeleteRequest) (*storagepb.StorageDeleteResponse, error) {
bucketName := &req.BucketName
if _, err := s.s3Client.DeleteObject(ctx, &s3.DeleteObjectInput{
Bucket: bucketName,
Key: aws.String(req.Key),
}); err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "error occurred deleting file: %v", err)
return &storagepb.StorageDeleteResponse{}, nil

Exists checks the existence of a single blob, returning true if it exists, false if it does not.

func (s *SpacesStorageService) Exists(ctx context.Context, req *storagepb.StorageExistsRequest) (*storagepb.StorageExistsResponse, error) {
bucketName := &req.BucketName
_, err := s.s3Client.HeadObject(ctx, &s3.HeadObjectInput{
Bucket: bucketName,
Key: aws.String(req.Key),
if err != nil {
return &storagepb.StorageExistsResponse{
Exists: false,
}, nil
return &storagepb.StorageExistsResponse{
Exists: true,
}, nil

ListBlobs will list all the blobs in a bucket.

func (s *SpacesStorageService) ListBlobs(ctx context.Context, req *storagepb.StorageListBlobsRequest) (*storagepb.StorageListBlobsResponse, error) {
var prefix *string = nil
if req.Prefix != "" {
// Only apply if prefix isn't default
prefix = &req.Prefix
bucketName := &req.BucketName
objects, err := s.s3Client.ListObjectsV2(ctx, &s3.ListObjectsV2Input{
Bucket: bucketName,
Prefix: prefix,
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "error occurred listing files: %v", err)
files := make([]*storagepb.Blob, 0, len(objects.Contents))
for _, o := range objects.Contents {
files = append(files, &storagepb.Blob{
Key: *o.Key,
return &storagepb.StorageListBlobsResponse{
Blobs: files,
}, nil

PreSignUrl generates a signed URL which can be used to perform direct operations on a file. It is useful for large file uploads/downloads so they can bypass application code and work directly with S3. A pre-signed url request can either be for a download URL or an upload URL. An expiry time can also be specified.

func (s *SpacesStorageService) PreSignUrl(ctx context.Context, req *storagepb.StoragePreSignUrlRequest) (*storagepb.StoragePreSignUrlResponse, error) {
bucketName := &req.BucketName
switch req.Operation {
case storagepb.StoragePreSignUrlRequest_READ:
// Handle getting a download URL
response, err := s.preSignClient.PresignGetObject(ctx, &s3.GetObjectInput{
Bucket: bucketName,
Key: aws.String(req.Key),
}, s3.WithPresignExpires(req.Expiry.AsDuration()))
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "failed to generate signed READ URL: %v", err)
return &storagepb.StoragePreSignUrlResponse{
Url: response.URL,
}, nil
case storagepb.StoragePreSignUrlRequest_WRITE:
// Handle getting an upload URL
req, err := s.preSignClient.PresignPutObject(ctx, &s3.PutObjectInput{
Bucket: bucketName,
Key: aws.String(req.Key),
}, s3.WithPresignExpires(req.Expiry.AsDuration()))
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "failed to generate signed WRITE URL: %v", err)
return &storagepb.StoragePreSignUrlResponse{
Url: req.URL,
}, nil
return nil, newErr(codes.Unimplemented, "requested operation not supported for pre-signed AWS S3 URLs", nil)

Packaging your provider

The final steps are to write the entrypoint functions for the provider and a script to package it for use in Nitric projects.

The first step is creating the runtime entrypoint file. This sets up which plugins will be used for the runtime implementation of our provider. Here we will use all the standard AWS provider plugins but use our Storage implementation.

The Nitric runtime server is referred to as the membrane.
package main
import (
spaces_service "github.com/nitrictech/nitric-provider-template/spaces-extension/runtime/storage"
lambda_service "github.com/nitrictech/nitric/cloud/aws/runtime/gateway"
dynamodb_service "github.com/nitrictech/nitric/cloud/aws/runtime/keyvalue"
sqs_service "github.com/nitrictech/nitric/cloud/aws/runtime/queue"
secrets_manager_secret_service "github.com/nitrictech/nitric/cloud/aws/runtime/secret"
sns_service "github.com/nitrictech/nitric/cloud/aws/runtime/topic"
base_http "github.com/nitrictech/nitric/cloud/common/runtime/gateway"
func main() {
// Set logging settings
term := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(term, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
signal.Notify(term, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGINT)
// Get server options
gatewayEnv := env.GATEWAY_ENVIRONMENT.String()
membraneOpts := membrane.DefaultMembraneOptions()
provider, err := resource.New()
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("could not create aws provider: %v", err)
// Load each of the provider plugins, starting with the Gateway Plugin
switch gatewayEnv {
case "lambda":
// assume lambda is used for AWS
membraneOpts.GatewayPlugin, _ = lambda_service.New(provider)
// fallback to a default HTTP implementation
membraneOpts.GatewayPlugin, _ = base_http.NewHttpGateway(nil)
// Use our spaces_service plugin for the runtime storage
membraneOpts.StoragePlugin, _ = spaces_service.New(provider)
// Use the AWS provider plugins for everything else
membraneOpts.ApiPlugin = api.NewAwsApiGatewayProvider(provider)
membraneOpts.SecretManagerPlugin, _ = secrets_manager_secret_service.New(provider)
membraneOpts.KeyValuePlugin, _ = dynamodb_service.New(provider)
membraneOpts.TopicsPlugin, _ = sns_service.New(provider)
membraneOpts.WebsocketPlugin, _ = websocket.NewAwsApiGatewayWebsocket(provider)
membraneOpts.QueuesPlugin, _ = sqs_service.New(provider)
membraneOpts.ResourcesPlugin = provider
// Create the runtime Membrane server
m, err := membrane.New(membraneOpts)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("There was an error initializing the membrane server: %v", err)
errChan := make(chan error)
// Start the Membrane server
go func(chan error) {
errChan <- m.Start()
// Error handling...
select {
case membraneError := <-errChan:
logger.Errorf("Membrane Error: %v, exiting\n", membraneError)
case sigTerm := <-term:
logger.Infof("Received %v, exiting\n", sigTerm)

We'll then create the deployment provider which will embed the runtime provider. We create the AWS extension provider and use provider.NewPulumiProviderServer to wrap the provider so it can be used as a deployment gRPC server. providerStack.Start() starts the gRPC server.

package main
import (
_ "embed"
// Embed the runtime provider
//go:embed runtime-extension-aws
var runtimeBin []byte
var runtimeProvider = func() []byte {
return runtimeBin
// Create and start the deployment server
func main() {
stack := deploy.NewAwsExtensionProvider()
providerServer := provider.NewPulumiProviderServer(stack, runtimeProvider)

If you're curious whats going on under the hood with the gRPC server creation you can find the complete implementation on our GitHub.


We then need a way use our provider with Nitric projects. The following makefile has default scripts to build our runtime binary and our deployment binary, as well as a script make install to put in the provider directory. The go build output files match the binaries we were embedding into our cmd files earlier.

.PHONY: install
# build runtime binary
@echo Building Extension Runtime Server
@CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o bin/runtime-extension-aws -ldflags="-s -w -extldflags=-static" ./cmd/runtime
# move the runtime file into the deployment directory for embedding
predeploybin: runtimebin
@cp bin/runtime-extension-aws cmd/deploy/runtime-extension-aws
# build the deployment binary, embedding the runtime binary
deploybin: predeploybin
@echo Building Extension Deployment Server
@CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o bin/deploy-extension -ldflags="-s -w -extldflags=-static" -ldflags="-X google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry.conflictPolicy=ignore" ./cmd/deploy
@rm cmd/deploy/runtime-extension-aws
# install the deployment binary into the provider directory so it can be used as `provider: custom/extension@0.0.1`
install: deploybin
@echo installing extension deployment server to ${HOME}/.nitric/providers/custom/extension-0.0.1
@mkdir -p ${HOME}/.nitric/providers/custom/
@rm -f ${HOME}/.nitric/providers/custom/extension-0.0.1
@cp bin/deploy-extension ${HOME}/.nitric/providers/custom/extension-0.0.1

Using the provider

Building the extension provider can be done with the following command:

make install

This will build the runtime provider and the deployment provider, packaging them together and saving it to $HOME/.nitric/providers/custom/extension-0.0.1.

To use the custom extension you can use the following stack configuration file. It requires you fill in digital ocean tokens to deploy your spaces bucket.

provider: custom/extension@0.0.1
region: us-east-1
token: `digital_ocean_token`
region: nyc1
key: `spaces_key`
secret: `spaces_secret`

You can then use nitric up to deploy your application.

If you have any feedback or questions, you can reach out to us on our Discord.

Last updated on Oct 16, 2024